A review by amandacole
The Governess Was Wicked by Julia Kelly


Originally posted at Desert Island Book Reviews

After a disappointing romance read earlier this week, I was glad to find this book entertaining, quick, and light, which is just what I like in a romance. This book stars Elizabeth Porter, a governess in a wealthy household, and Dr. Edward Fellows, the physician who treats the family’s illnesses. In typical romance novel fashion, they’re attracted to each other and want to be together, and conflicts and romance ensue.

There was nothing remarkably good or remarkably bad about this book. It was decent for what it is, and while I didn’t have strong feelings about the characters (except for Elizabeth’s employer, Mrs. Norton, who I really hated!), I enjoyed reading this. There wasn’t much that was new or different for the genre and there wasn’t much depth, but the romance was there and I appreciated that it seemed to develop at least somewhat over time (no overnight marriages here!).

I’ve never read anything by Julia Kelly before, and I was glad to find that the writing wasn’t bad and the story seemed to be nicely developed. I was satisfied with the way things progressed and would read more by this author. I gave this book three stars because while it was enjoyable and done fairly well, it wasn’t outstanding or particularly unique. That said, I’d recommend it for a quick read if you enjoy the genre.

*ARC from Pocket Star Books via NetGalley