A review by lanidacey
Once Upon a Marquess by Courtney Milan


Let's not get things confused: I'm Team Milan all the way. This one, though. It just didn't do it for me. She's definitely trying something new with the tone of this series and I can't say I enjoyed it. It's so ... precious. At times, this novel felt like a cheesy rom-com. There's a cat named Squid. The hero makes purposefully bad jokes about killing chickens. The heroine curses with water fowl ("duck it all to hell").

But worst of all, because we spent so much time learning about all of these quirks, the romance ended up feeling more like the B-plot. The main couple didn't even share a kiss until the story was more than 70 percent through! This ended up throwing off the pacing of the rest of the book as they jump into bed, solve family mysteries and declare their love for each other. I usually finish Milan books in a couple days; this one took me two weeks and I blame that pacing issue. I just didn't care about the couple because I had no reason to.

I put off finishing [b:The Turner Series|23014337|The Turner Series|Courtney Milan|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1411351431s/23014337.jpg|42580499] to start this one (I got this one from the library). I'm definitely completing that one before I move on with the rest of the Worth Saga. Because, yes, for all my complaints, I'm still interested in reading the rest of the series. This storyline is supposed to span continents and time (you see those cover mock-ups? There are potentially black and Chinese heroines. Here for that), and I'm kind of interested in seeing what happens next.