A review by alicechannington
Shirley by Charlotte Brontë


So, Shirley is this supposed amazing character but if you really pay attention she’s just spoiled brat who wants what she wants, occasionally having a heart to help others, but it felt like it was afterthought?

Men…were bigots. All of them. Expect for both Mr. Moores. I think Charlotte took delight in fleshing out Martin’s character by making him so bad. Because of that it just made him feel not real. In fact, none of Yorke children even felt real.

Mrs Pryor left Caroline Halstone because she was too pretty? What? That’s kinda a plot hole because it didn’t really explain other than her saying her husband was bad and she left her baby because it was too pretty. Was Charlotte trying to say pretty women are evil?

Was Shirley really Caroline’s friend when she knew Mrs. Pryor was Caroline’s mother and didn’t tell her?! What a friend that Shirley was!

Louis Moore is Robert Moore’s brother and just happens to be the guy Shirley is in love with. Which is weird because he was her teacher…

Of course, Shirley is bitten by a dog and thinks she’s gonna die of rabies without thinking to ask the owner of the dog if the dog is rabid or not?!

The POV gets switched around and then on top of that she talks to the reader. It feels disjointing.

I think I prefer Jane Eyre and The Professor over Shirley. I never liked Villete. At least Charlotte wrote two that I like out of four.