A review by amymo73
Sleepwalk With Me and Other Painfully True Stories by Mike Birbiglia


Loaned to me by my boyfriend after he first lent it to my mother (who bough it for him for Christmas) I was told it was funny and a quick read. And you know what? It was funny and quick read. The "quick read" comment can be taken several ways, but in this case, it's a complement, noting that the stories flowed, the writing was easy and I could just enjoy the book.

Birbiglia made me laugh out loud at several points. Which is good. He is a comedian after all. But while his stories were witty, there was a truth and honesty about them which at times made me smile. Or nod knowingly to myself.

I particularly enjoyed his stories about being part of focus groups and his description of his family as Olive Garden Italians. But while the book has some stories which are seemingly random tangents (and I have nothing against tangents as my life could be described as a series of them) towards the final pages, it all starts to come together in a really entertaining, cohesive work.

This was a much more productive way to spend a snowy Friday than say, actually working from home, which, if you're my editor, as far as you know is still true.