A review by angels_gp17
Blaze of Memory by Nalini Singh


~3.5 Blaze Stars ~

Blaze of Memory is book seven in Nalini Singh Psy-Changeling series. I have to say this is my least favorite book so far in this series. I had so much trouble getting into this one and was confused at the begging on who Dev was. I finally figured it out! We get a little action really not a lot, some bedroom scenes and a plot to take out the head of Shine.

This book could have been more. Dev has some cool abilities, but he only uses them once. It made no sense to give him abilities if he never uses them. In all the previous books the Psy powers are on full display. Katya is strong, determined, but she struggles with her own brain, which what was done to her is understandable. I also did not get why they had to go north? Nothing came from it unless you count the time as a why to grow the characters more into a relationship.

There where a few things I did like about this book that kept me going. One was the letters to Matthew from the Petrokov Family Archives. It was nice to read the past and see how it affected those in the Psy net before Silence came to be. I also enjoyed learning more about the Forgotten. Last I liked the cameo appearance from Judd and Lucas/Sascha. The ending was wonderful and a tear came to my eye.

For the most part I was reading just to get to the end and move onto the next book in the series. It does have some good points to it and helps use see more into the Forgotten, but Blaze of Memory was just ok for me. As for the series I enjoy Nalini Singh's writing and the interracial realtionships she creates!

Audio 2021: Back in 2018 I tried to listen to the CD, but had issues and stopped listening. I just couldn't get into the story and the pace was/is slow going. Now it's 2021 and I gave the digital audiobook a try. I actually enjoyed Blaze of Memory. Things made a bit more scenes this time around. Though I do wish we had gotten more books with the Forgotten. This is the only book with a main that is a Forgotten. The overall ARC continues with the issues in the web and the council wanting control. It's still not a favorite, but I got a bit more out of the novel this time around. Angela Dawe is wonderful narrator and I enjoyed her narration for this novel and the series.
