A review by azieyosabor
300 Things I Hope by Iain S. Thomas


this is seriously the cutest thing ever! like, if positivity had a book baby, this would be it. i was kinda down lately, and this book just sprinkled some good vibes on my mood.

it's short, sweet, and exactly what you need when life's being a bit too serious. people might say it's ”too unrealistic”, but honestly, who cares? sometimes you just gotta let your imagination run wild, right? it's like a little playground for your mind.

others also dislike it for being ”too superficial”, but i'm all about embracing the dreamy, wishful side of life. it even brought out the inner child in me, you know? like, let's keep those hopes and wishes alive, no matter how wild they might be. totally adding this to my bedtime story list for my future kids (hopefully)