A review by poljack
Viziuni Periculoase by Harlan Ellison


For those of you who don't have time to read every story, my (highly subjective) recommendations are:

* Faith of our Fathers - Philip K. Dick
* Gonna Roll the Bones - Fritz Leiber
* Eutopia - Poul Anderson
* Sex and/or Mr. Morrison - Carol Emshwiller
* Go, Go, Go, Said the Bird - Sonya Dorman
* From the Government Printing Office - Kris Neville
* Land of the Great Horses - R. A. Lafferty
* Carcinoma Angels - Norman Spinrad
* Auto-Da-Fe - Roger Zelazny
* Aye, and Gomorrah... - Samuel R. Delany

Those are the ones that I think are interesting, engaging, or are just good stories. Other than those, I recommend reading every introduction, skimming the first few paragraphs to see if it grabs you, and if it doesn't, skipping to the author's afterword.