A review by karldiebspecht
Introducing Lacan by Darian Leader


Non-fiction comics with explanatory function are in the position of having to defend their own existence, as it is often not clear what additional value the comic offers in contrast to a "normal" introductory text when it comes to explaining complex concepts. In Lacan's case, this becomes especially clear, since the theory in general and individual theory segments in particular are so highly complex that it is impossible to explain, for example, the "castration complex" on one page, 90 percent of which consists of one illustration and the rest of two speech bubbles. That the book tackles Lacan in the chronological order of his seminars and not in thematic order is also a very odd decision for a beginners guide, which adds a lot of confusion.
Unless you are already halfway into Lacan's theory, I would keep my hands off this book.