A review by togidemi
Crush by Richard Siken


The dramatic gays always pull through!! Queer poets writing about infatuation and intimacy and obsession! Goddamn!

I don't really have the gray matter to explain why exactly I enjoy Siken's poetry, mostly as a consequence of me not having the gray matter to explain why exactly I enjoy poetry. I saw a review describe much of its contents as "cinematic" and... yeah. (I really enjoyed the recurring film motif, too.) I regret much of my experience reading poetry consisting of, like, Instagram poets - you know the ones - because I deeply appreciate when poets get weird. I love Boot Theory in particular, and I ESPECIALLY had fun with You are Jeff; the last section of the latter is pretty famous on Tumblr, but that's almost a shame since the preceding context build it up to so so much more than pining for a guy. (It's pining for a guy dangerously, pfft.)