A review by books_n_blossoms
Line by Line by Jennifer Delamere


I have to admit Line by Line was a great introduction to Jennifer Delamere's writing.

We start off by meeting Alice who is fine with the idea of becoming a spinster. Her new job seems like a perfect fit for her. She's got a quick wit and is incredibly smart. Alice certainly seems satisfied with where she is in life.

Then we meet Douglas who is very self assured and knows he's a good looking man! Unlike Alice, he's got big plans to make it rich. He's got his eye set on a banker's daughter... one he's never met, but he seems unaffected by it.

Unfortunately both of them have to work with Archie Clapper. What a cad. he's a crabby man who does nothing but sneer and make snide remarks. He can't stand the fact that a woman works as his "equal". He was a very well written villain! It's rather funny (at least for a time) when Alice uses what she learns from a spinster book she finds at a book store on Archie. The amusement doesn't last long.

I really enjoyed watching Alice and Douglas grow as individuals throughout this story. They certainly came to know themselves better as well as each other. One of the best elements to this story was the addition of Andrew Carnegie. He had quite the impact on Douglas' outlook on life. What was interesting was the teacher who impacted Alice and the direction her life had taken, gave her instruction a bit of a spin, which Alice hadn't expected.

What I enjoyed the most was the tension of both Alice and Douglas to stay true to their courses they'd set from the start of the story. It was great to watch Douglas be so impressed with Alice's insights into the business world. My favorite scene is when Alice teaches Douglas how to dance. It was an ingenious way to do on Jennifer Delamere's part!

I'm hoping we'll get to know Rose and Ellen more in the rest of the series. They're both friends of Alice's. Lucy is also one of Alice's friends, but she rather annoys me. lol I'm not sure what book 2 will be about, but since Rose sends telegrams for the post office, maybe her? I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

*I received this book for review and this is my opinion.