A review by hobbleit
The Winter Road by Adrian Selby


Copy received from Netgalley. All opinions (not that I have many) are my own.

Oh, this is a hard one for me to review. Every other review I have read has praised this book to the hilt and I can see where they are coming from. There is nothing wrong with The Winter Road at all but, for the life of me, I could not connect to this story at all.

The plot is decent, the writing is good, the characters aren’t irritating and the world building was excellent but there was something stopping me from connecting with it. I don’t know what it was.
It has been less than an hour since I finished reading it at the time of writing this review and I cannot remember anything about the story. I was reading the words and nothing was sinking in. I was an hour into reading it and I realised I couldn’t even remember the main characters name (Teyr, it sunk in eventually). The plot has long since disappeared from my brain.

This should have been a book that I loved. It has everything that I know I like and I didn’t hate it. I just can’t remember anything about it. Maybe I should try again in a few months with a physical copy of the book when I haven’t been reading a book which is rapidly sending me into a reading slump alongside it and I’ll change my opinion. For now, though, this has to be my review.