A review by subparcupcake
The Alchemist of Souls by Anne Lyle


This was just ok for me. It sort of felt like there was something missing. I can't put my finger on exactly what, but something. It started out interesting, but just failed to hold my attention overall. By the halfway point I was just waiting for it to be over and pushing through just to get it over with. And that's not to say it was bad though... It was fine. Like I said, it just didn't hold my attention. Whenever I read it my mind would drift and instead of comprehending the words on the page I would instead be thinking about what I wanted for dinner, what I was going to do over the weekend, whether or not turkey's laid eggs and if so why we don't eat them? Side note, I googled it and it's because turkey's don't lay eggs very often. Also, if you type "why don't we eat" into google the first result is completed with "turkey eggs". So I'm not the only one ever to wonder!

This has gotten way off track. Bottom line, it was only ok and I'm glad it's over. I have nothing bad to say about the book, it just wasn't my thang.