A review by jhutch1324
The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi


Full review:
So this is my first graphic novel. I wasn't really into comics or graphic novels as a kid so as an adult I'd never even considered reading anything like this and I am so sad that I've been missing out for so long. I love this style, especially when applied to a memoir. It creates a depth that can be missed in a memoir about a culture so different from your own. Instead of wondering if what I am picturing when things are described is accurate, I am shown exactly what the author wants us to see.

Marjane is such an interesting person. She's a true feminist and can see things objectively, even when she was wrong or could have been better. I love the way she describes her Persian culture. You can tell she has a love for it, even if those feelings may be complicated. I don't want to give too much of it away because I don't want to spoil the fun of reading this.

I loved every minute of this novel. I was sad that it stopped when she left Iran for the second time and would love to read more.

First impression:
Love the style and the author's voice, don't love the abrupt ending, I need to know what happens after 1994!

Full review to follow.