A review by starness
The Shepherd's Hut by Tim Winton


The truth is I’ve been reluctant to pick up another Tim Winton book, I tried reading Cloudstreet back in my early 20’s and only managed a third of the book before abandoning it, so for me I wasn’t overly enthusiast about picking this book up. But I’m sure glad I did. This felt different to Cloudstreet as the writing here feels raw, intense and brutal it’s a story that wasn’t easy to read but I was compelled nevertheless. The Australian remote bush setting and the language was used effectively to draw me into Jaxies’ story. The language is as rough as Jaxie himself, but it’s also it’s charm if you can get past the Aussie vernacular, it is not at all diluted, non Australian readers might struggle!

I wasn’t sure where the story was headed but I was invested until the last section where it sort of fell off and ended quite abruptly. It’s clear that Tim Winton is a writer with immense talent so I’m pleased that this book cemented my faith in him again. I might even polish off Cloudstreet finally...It was a solid 4 stars until the rushed ending.