A review by ofbooksandromance
Beautifully Unexpected by Lily Morton


5 “I’ve never felt this free before with anyone” stars

“I’m not sure where, but maybe you’ll find someone better, Laurie.” […] “But he wouldn’t be me. And I think you need me.” “Why?”“To make sure you eat something other than biscuits and noodles. To let you put your cold feet on me in bed, to do your accounts, to watch over you and make sure no one takes advantage of your far too kind disposition. Someone to challenge you.” […] “Someone to love you. The real you.”

This is basically a miracle! I haven’t had a 5 stars book in the last 25 books I have read. But i’m happy to say that this is the easiest 5 stars I have given to a book in a very long time.

I haven’t read a book I loved in so long that I kind of forgotten what it is to love a book. Everything I used to love in books doesn’t work for me anymore, so I thought that Lily Morton might not work for me anymore. But when I saw that this book is about a main character in his 40s and a main character in his 50s, I just had to read it. I am a sucker for older main characters, they’re my favourites. This book proved my every doubts wrong. I fell in love with this book. I can’t remember the last time I had such a good time reading a book.

This book had everything I want in a book:
▪️older main characters
▪️sarcastic humour and lovely banter
▪️grumpy and set in their ways main characters
It was kind of a sure thing I would enjoy this book, I just didn’t expect to love it as much as I did.

Side note, I blame Lily Morton for making me picture Mads Mikkelson the entire time I was reading this book. One of the main character, Mags, is Danish and I couldn’t help myself from picture him as Mads Mikkelson the entire book, but i’m not mad about it, at all.

Brief summary
Mags (AKA Magnus) is 52 years old and he’s a Queen’s Counsel. Laurie is 48 years old and he’s a painter. Mags and Laurie are both set in their ways and not interested in a relationship. Laurie moves in the place beside Mags’ and he sees Mags and a naked one night stand on his doorstep and they form a friendship from there, which slowly turns into love.

First, I just adore grumpy and set in their ways main characters. So the fact that the main characters in this book were on the grumpy side and set in their ways, was so perfect to me. Mads was really grumpy and set in his ways and Laurie was less grumpy but very set in his ways. I love a grumpy main character, so much. I also love when a grumpy character only has a soft spot for his man and it was the case here, so I was very happy. It really annoys me when a guy starts grumpy and then is not grumpy by the end of the book. It’s fine when someone is grumpy because they’re unhappy and then are not grumpy anymore because they are happy. But it annoys me when someone’s personality is them being grumpy and then they stop being grumpy, it’s not believable to me. I loved how Mads started the book on the grumpy side and ended the book on the grumpy side, just smiling a little bit more.

Second, Lily Morton’s brand of snark has always worked for me, but it was just so fantastic here. This book had me in tears, because I was laughing too much, quite a few times. And I really needed that. As expected with a Lily Morton book, the banter between the two main characters was perfect. I just loved it, so much. I loved how Laurie kept making jokes about Mags’ age. I loved how Mags kept complaining that is name is Magnus and not Mags and how Laurie always called him Mags to rile him up. I loved how they kept lovely picking on the other, it was just wonderful.

“You’d make a lovely nurse,” he says. I laugh again. “I would be the worst nurse in existence.” He hums, a smile playing on his lips. “You’re probably right. Nurse Ratched would send you fan mail.”

Third, I really loved the relationship progression in this book. Their first interactions were really awkward and it took time before they were comfortable with the other and thats one my favourite thing in romance. I like when everything isn’t too easy. I really enjoyed how their relationship built up. They were awkward with each other at first, then they starting crushing on the other and they were oops, that wasn’t supposed to happen, then they had sex together, then they realized that they are in love with each other, how could that have hapened? then they slowly fell into a relationship. It was so lovely to read about. I really loved how they developed a friendship and got to know each other before deciding on getting together. That friendship was a perfect foundation for things to come. Also, I loved how Mags was super clueless about his feelings. I loved how he was like, oh I think i’m catching feelings, we can analyze this later, lets just enjoy enjoy the moment now. It was lovely. I really loved how Mags was the one night stand guy but he never exitated or had doubts about doing things with Laurie. I also loved how Mags was super possessive about Laurie. It just came naturally to him, because he wanted to be doing these things with Laurie and I loved that. I really loved how these two fell in love, it was so lovely. Also, they both never had serious relationships before and put their work first. It was lovely to see them change their priority and make place in their lives for each other.

I nod and slide down next to him, but as we eat dinner in the wreck of the bed and trade quips and kisses sweetened by the chocolate cheesecake, something warm comes to rest in my chest. Something warm and worrying. I examine it later while he lies asleep curled into me, the moonlight on his face. Typically, this kind of emotion would send me running a hundred miles in the other direction, but now I just move closer to him and fall asleep.

Fourth, I actually really enjoyed spending this with Mags while he was at trials. The law parts were really nice to read about and fascinating. I’m not the biggest fan of when there is things happening outside of the relationship but I really enjoyed it because it made sense and showed us who Mags is as a person.

Fifth, I loved both of these main characters so much. They were so nicely described and fleshed out. I liked how they both kept their personality traits the entire book and didn’t change tol much. Both of these guys felt like real people I was watching interact. They were just so lovely. And they were so good together. They were a perfect match for the other and they complimented each other. And together they were the pure definition of bringing out the best in the other. I loved how they did the smallest thing for the other and took care of each other. It was just so sweet to read about. I really liked these guys’ interactions with each other. They really seemed to enjoy the other’s company and it was such a joy to read about. I really liked how Mads described Laurie as not being his usual type but how Laurie still worked for him and how he loved everything about him. I also adored seeing Mags, who normally was only into one night stand become super possesive about Laurie and how he didn’t understand why but he wanted to spend all of his time with Laurie.

You see, that’s the thing. He may have settled with me, but Mags Carlsen is still the same forthright grumpy bastard who I met in the hallway that fateful day. The only difference is that he’s my grumpy bastard, and as such, I know that he’s a hidden softie, and he loves me deeply and more than I ever expected. His love humbles me. It’s fierce and uncompromising and impossibly loyal, like having a giant wolfhound at your back. And I love him in return.

Sixth, Laurie was in a car accident a couple of months ago and he has migraines and a limp. I really enjoyed how the books didn’t shy away from describing his issues and how they were an important part of his life. I also have migraines so those descriptions were way too relatable for me.

Seventh, I have been complaining about how I don’t think I enjoy slower books anymore but Lily Morton’s brand of slow burn where not much happens but it’s a beautiful character study filled with snark apparently still really works for me. The pacing in this book was slow and it took them ages to get together, but it really worked for me, I was just enjoying the ride and the time they spent getting to know each other

Eight, I absolutely adored all the references in this. I prefer older movies, I really enjoy older music and I love classic books, so I really enjoyed all the references to older pieces of media.

“You coming in?” I eye him warily. “Why?”“So I can eat your liver with a nice shot of vodka.”

Ninth, I really loved how mature these characters felt and how their love was portrayed as a more mature feeling, with thing like being there for someone when they need you, of doing something that you do not really want to do because it will make your partner happy, of being the bigger man and taking the first step, even if you were wounded. I really like this more than the typical love made up of big things and big moments. I loved how the love was shown in the little things these two did for the others.

“You’re everything, Laurie. You’re funny and clever and kind. You’re like sunshine to be with, and only a tiny portion of that is connected with your art. Without your art, you’re still you. Laurie. And he is a man worth knowing.”

Tenth, I really loved how there was no drama coming from outside sources in this book. I loved how there was no ex drama and no family drama. I much prefer when my books only focus on the main characters and their developing relationship and it was the case in this book. Everything happening in the book served a purpose in developing who the characters are and their relationship.

Eleventh, The last 15% of this book was so perfect and so satisfying, I just had the biggest smile on my face while reading it.

Special mention to Endof the dog and the really hot sex scenes. They were both very lovely and very appreciated by me.

I don’t think I will be able to stop thinking about this book anytime soon, I fell in love with both Laurie and Mags. I loved them and I loved their love story, so much.

I received an ARC of this book, and this is my honest review.