A review by capesandcovers
Everything is Fine Volume One by Mike Birchall


In comic CWs: Grief, death, gore, depression, contemplation of suicide

I'm going to be honest - I've actually read this before, while it was coming out on Webtoon. I mean, it still technically is, but like, these episodes specifically. Everything is Fine is so absurdly unrealistic and yet so similar to a Hollywood take on a 1950s suburb that it's unnerving. It's like a more suspenseful, sickeningly gorey version of the Stepford Wives (or that Florence Pough and Harry Styles movie knockoff I suppose, though I haven't actually seen it myself for comparison). In a sick way, the violence is refreshing, if for no other reason than it breaking up the eerie monotony of what this story would be without the acts of rebellion against this mysterious dystopia.

As for the comic's visuals, I loved how Birchall used the panels on the app, and thought that they transferred into a more traditional comic page pretty well. There were definitely a few scenes I thought were more impactful in the long scrolling app format, rather than on a page, but it wasn't enough that I felt it drastically took away from the story. Also, the color palette is just *chef's kiss*. The washed out pastels contrast beautifully with the sickening reds and greens, passive colors until things well aren't anymore.

Overall I highly recommend Everything is Fine, it's creepy and unnerving, and the story unfolds beautifully due to Birchall's art and storytelling. I tend to not get too unsettled from horror, but this does the trick for me!