A review by gohawks
Batman/Superman, Volume 2: Game Over by Greg Pak


The first story of this collection is something that might have been come straight from the classic Justice League cartoon. Yet that is not a drawback as this is the most cohesive and coherent story of the volume. Game Over revives the villain Mongul and his plot to destroy Earth using a MMORPG and gaming console. Some of the familiar re-tread tropes are just the price of admission to what I assume many of the readers come here for: battle royale between Supes and the Bat with assorted minor heroes joining in the fray. The second storyline which involves Mongul's son and that tired alternate universe crap is annoying for many reasons - not the least of which is musical chairs of art styles. Jae Lee who usually does most of the heavy lifting for this series does fine work, but RA Silva jumps into the middle has totally different style which is jarring not to mention just plain poor. I could forgive the hurried character perspectives and messy proportions, but the style is so very different that it becomes extremely annoying. This could have worked if the artists were each drawing a dimension so as to show a drastic difference between alternate realities, but the story only stays in one universe the whole time. And the art changes are issue to issue which suggest Silva was just spelling Lee. On the flip side, Brett Booth's work on the first story is just perfect in it's quirky, punk take on the gaming community.