A review by someonetookit
Outrun the Wind by Elizabeth Tammi


Actual rating 3.5 of 5 stars

To start, I want to say I was extremely excited to read this retelling of Atalanta of Greek mythology's tale (or at least the start of it). Going into it I was expecting a large twist on her tale, a change in events, possibly a gender bending. Instead I got an almost direct retelling with a lesbian love interest - I'm not saying there's anything wrong with this but I had extremely high expectations from all the hype.

So as I said earlier, its a retelling of Atalanta. All the elements are there, Meleager's love and demise, the Huntresses, Artemis and Apollo quarrelling with the best of them, the footraces and the lions. The only major difference I found was the love interest Atalanta and the shunned Huntress, Kahina. I hope for some dramatic twist but was ok with the fact that it didn't differ a grand amount.

I appreciated the multi POV's as it allowed a greater understanding of the story. I also enjoyed the interactions of Kahina and Phelix - it was a welcome change giving a slightly different perspective. Although this is more or less 360 pages of simplified mythology, I quite liked it although I can't honestly say I loved it. As a tale for those new to mythology, it would be a quite interesting read, while for those who are already familiar, it is a welcoming hug from the tales we all know and love.

I recieved a review copy of this novel from Netgalley and the publisher in ex hanger for an honest review. The opinions contained within are that of the author and have in no way been influenced by the publisher or its affiliates