A review by coldxperience
As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner


L2 English major university reading
Well.. here we are - to be honest, i don't really know whether i liked it or not - it was strange to say the least but it also holds something interesting.
But yes, they all weiiird, they be something else... like they all waiting for the mother to die to be able to do whatever they been waiting for - crazy. Lowkey, wanna write down character reviews (did).

When it comes to Faulkner's style of writing, i don't like it - he makes everything so confusing, it is at some times hard to understand everything. Almost could say i wish i understood a word of what i read but i did understood more things than i thought the more i read it (- also thanks to our amazing teacher who took a lot of time to make us get it, literally).

yeh, some weird stuff happening, done by weird people.

“...the reason for living was to get ready to stay dead a long time.”

-> character reviews:
◦ Darl : you're okay, it's okay to go crazy and burn a farm.. is it ? He expresses himself the best, also has a power of clairvoyance : sense (?) his mother's death and Dewey Dell's pregnancy. Might not be that sane after all.
◦ Cash : you worked hard mate - kinda a capability of self-sacrificed. You're mature and archived a lot by yourself, also has a sense of detail and want to make things right (?)
◦ Jewel : surprisingly like you. Strange character : only has one chapter to his name but keeps appearing in other's none the less. He has a good sense of independence, and a special relationship with his horse.
◦ Dewey Dell : I know you're broke girl but get therapy. oh yeah, almost forgot - stop fcking around.. literally speaking. She is going through it to say the least, fails after fails.
◦ Vardaman : yes, you're a child; but not no: you're mom ain't a damn fish...
◦ Anse : you're trash, do you know that ? Lazy, unsympathetic, selfish and the list goes on. He isn't likeable.
◦ Addie : you're ded, idk what to add to this.
◦ Cora : being Christian.. okay, but you miiight be a bit to obsessed over cakes and eggs if you ask me.
◦ Vernon : other than having the same name as a Kpop Idol, you're funny for helping the family but gossiping and criticising their behaviour with your wife.
◦ others :: just some ppl who criticise the family overall.

-> currently reading notes:
i don't understand what i'm reading - what is this
sorry, what did you say ?
it's weird, i don't know if it's in a good or bad way tho.
The way its written is strange and often makes it hard to understand things but it is an interesting way to write as well.
The characters... they weird, to say the least
I'm gonna quote something real quick "my mother is a fish"
i broke the spine of the book :|
Can we talk about how Darl just telepathy understand or get infos, who are you dude ?