A review by secamimom
Onyx by Jennifer L. Armentrout


As posted on Fic-Talk...

I had the first book of this series, Obsidian, loaded on my Kindle for a while before I ever decided to read it. I am so glad I put it off because when I finished it, I wanted to start Onyx immediately. Only thing was, I had to wait three days for it to be released. But when I got my hands on Onyx, I dived in head first.

Onyx picks up right where Obsidian left off. Katy was healed by her hot-yet-jerk of a neighbor, Daemon, after a fight with the Arum. Katy believes that Daemon only has feelings for her due to their connection. She thinks the connection is a symptom of Daemon healing her. He’s determined to prove her wrong.

Katy would love to just get on with her somewhat normal life, but that is not going to happen. Not because of the Arum, but because of the Department of Defense. She now has to be worried that she will suddenly ‘disappear’ because of what she knows about Daemon and Dee Black.

What can I say about this book? I finished it in one sitting. I kept telling myself to slow down, but I couldn’t. Armentrout makes it so easy to be wrapped into the world that she’s writing. From the first pages you are pulled into the lives of Daemon and Katy.

Daemon…wow! The boy is swoon worthy in this book. Not that he wasn’t great in Obsidian, but he definitely steps it up a notch in this one. There is so much UST (unresolved sexual tension) between Daemon and Katy in this book. I found myself actually yelling at Katy at one point telling her to “Give up and give the guy a chance!”

I loved every minute I spent reading Onyx although I wish I would have savored it a little more. But thankfully I had time for a reread because Opal, the third book in the Lux series, wasn’t released until December. And to think, December felt so far away last August.