A review by inconceivably
Grace by Elizabeth Scott


This is a really short story, but it packs a punch. As pieces of the world Grace lives in are revealed, the lives these people live become more and more disturbing.

I love the awkward interactions between Grace and Kerr. This book could, under no circumstances, be described as a romance...but their short time together bonds them in a powerful way that will leave you thinking about them long after the book is over.

While I do understand that the short length and the sparsity of details add to the mystery and horror of the story, I do really wish it had been longer. This could have been a Grade A Dystopian, as good or better than The Hunger Games. Instead, it remains just a small snapshot of another world. Even though I was very sympathetic to Grace and interested in her story, I wish there could have been more development and back story. Kerr definitely needed more development so that when the secret of his life is discovered it is more of a shock.

So, while I did enjoy reading this, mainly I am just left dissatisfied and wanting more.