A review by iam
Happy for You by Anyta Sunday


2.5 stars
I'm... kinda confused about this one.

Content warnings include: sex on-page, mentions of organ transplant.

Was is cute? Yeah, sure. I liked the big family and how the siblings clearly cared deeply for each other and Mort.
But for pretty much the entire book I wasn't sure what was going on. Even now that I finished it I'm unsure about why exactly Mort left, what the issue with the mother was, how the dancing fit in with everything, who had to ask who for forgiveness and what even happened in the past.

I was never bored and I found it comforting to read, but to say I was wholly engaged in the story would be an exaggeration. The only real solid plot was the romance between Mort and Felix, and even that was far from straighforward since they are both aware of each other's feelings from pretty much the very beginning and then dance around it (no pun intended.) Except they are mostly pretty blunt and honest with each other, there are no big misunderstandings. A few jumps to conclusions happen, but they are usually forgotten pretty quickly.

I had a passable time with the book and enjoyed reading it, but overall I'm left quite baffled by its finer workings.

It can be read as standalone, though there are frequent hints to [b:Made for You|45177210|Made for You (Love and Family, #2)|Anyta Sunday|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1555712401l/45177210._SY75_.jpg|67155158] and [b:Shrewd Angel|41718481|Shrewd Angel|Anyta Sunday|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1541504945l/41718481._SY75_.jpg|65075456].

I received an ARC and reviewed honestly and voluntarily.