A review by rachelleahdorn
Burning Bright by Tracy Chevalier


I got this book very cheap, so my expectations were lowered. However this book was worth full price. I really enjoyed the main movement and telling of the story.
The book is set in the late 1700s London (and English countryside a bit). What I particularly liked was the main character's relationship. they are two young kids, it is unclear (to me) how old they are but I'd guess about 13 by the end of the story. They behave like real kids. one of the problems I sometimes have with stories set in this time period --or historical fiction in general-- is that everyone is highly sexed and all relationships are all about sex, violence, and/or power. The two kids, though not of the same sex, behave like young kids, innocent and becoming more aware of the world around them. Have to admit, the kids are not innocent, but they don't behave like. Broken people, nor do they behave like the miniature adults you sometimes read about.
I also enjoyed the story's descriptions of London and live at this time.
the only thing I didn't fully like (though I didn't hate it) was the very end. i was with the story up to about 5 pages from the end--maybe even 1 page from the end--but I felt a slight letdown inn the way the character's story and relationship was resolved.

overall, I'd recommend this for people who are interested in a story that examines human relationships (I'm not talking about just romantic or sexual relatinoships--there is little of the latter) and historical fiction.