A review by annah623
The Dead Letter Delivery by C.J. Archer


I don't know why I read this, but I might read the next one. 

Nothing that matters happened in this entire book. it was the most pointless installment in this series so far. What an annoying waste of time. 

And the main character is still the stupidest, most insipid bore I've ever read about. And if I have to hear her go on about how "nothing could ever possibly happen between me and Gabe. He can't possibly be into me. I'm just beautiful and skinny and blonde, and everyone loves me despite being born without a personality, and Gabe spends all of his free time with me and keeps almost kissing me, but obviously nothing will ever happen between us." again, I am going to scream. 

Also, the author needs to spell everything out for us, and I'm beginning to feel like they think we're as stupid as their MC. 

I don't know why I keep doing this to myself.