A review by bewarethebookwyrm
Kingdom of Ice and Bone by Jill Criswell


OH! MY! GOSH!!! If anyone has followed me for a while, you know that I absolutely fell in love with Beasts of the Frozen Sun. I was so excited when NetGalley approved me to receive an ARC copy of it's sequel, Kingdom of Ice & Bone. YAY!!! It absolutely did not disappoint, either.

There is so much back story, so I'm not going to go into that, but it was so well done. The story moved quickly from the beginning, starting right where Beasts of the Frozen Sun left off. There was no point in this book where I felt the plot slowed down too much. I was engaged the entire time!

The characters were superbly written. I really love the characters I'm supposed to love and hate the characters I'm supposed to hate. The bad guy isn't one dimensional either, which I love. He has depth and I feel like I understand him and why he does the things he does. It doesn't make them right, but I can empathize with him.

The writing was great, too. This was an ARC digital copy and the formatting was rough, but I'm sure when it's actually published it'll be fine.

Overall, I loved, loved, loved this book! Just know, then ending leaves you wanting more. Be prepared. LOL!