A review by shannon_cocktailsandbooks
Come Away with Me by Kristen Proby


3.5 Stars

I really enjoyed the whirlwind romance between Natalie and Luke . They burned up the screen of my iPad as I read each of their scorching loves scenes. My only wish was for a little bit more in the story department. Each of them had such fears and phobias about relationships and commitment that I would have enjoyed a bit more dialogue regarding that aspect of their story. Maybe even a bit more drama than what we had. Sex is a very good thing, but it was almost like everything started and ended with sex for these two.

One thing that did bug me was Natalie body image. She always had to remark on her curvier figure, even if it was just a thought during sex about Luke grabbing her butt. I got that she wasn't a stick figure and that Luke was attracted to it. That should have been enough said. I applaud the author for making her more real and that a "normal" woman snagged herself a superstar. But I didn't need the constant reminder.

Overall, this was a solid read by an author who is new to me. I'l most definitely be looking to read more book in the "With Me in Seattle" series.