A review by memull17
The Changeup by Megan Cousins


What could go wrong on a once in a lifetime road-trip to the dream research job in one of the greatest places in the US with your best friend? A lot; plans change, inconvenience arise, and relationships can change and that’s exactly what happened between Jenna and Marcus. They met the first day of their freshman year in college and have been best friends ever since but they have secretly been in love with each other for as long as they can remember. Now during this summer research fellowship, they share an apartment and navigate the changes of their relationship and career aspirations and decide what they want their future to look like- together or apart.

Jenna is one tough cookie but she doesn’t have to be all the time and finally letting Marcus all the way in to help her was huge. Jenna showed Marcus that he is enough and worthy of fighting for and became his anchor all those years ago. I loved how Marcus was vulnerable with his fears and feelings and told Jenna he didn’t know how to love her out loud and that finally cracked the dam between them and created the complete openness they needed from each other.

The Changeup is book 2 in the Wild Pitches series featuring the Hutchinson siblings and book 3 will be youngest brother James’s story.

Thank you @authormegancousins for this eARC in exchange for my honest feedback.