A review by caseroo7
Before You by Marni Mann


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I really loved this book! Marni Mann is an excellent writer and she kept me on the edge of my seat with this one! Before You had me experiencing all the emotions and I was never sure what would happen next. I haven’t read a book like this before and I enjoyed reading it so much. Every book I’ve read from Marni has been great and this one was no exception.

Marni does a great job writing unique characters that you can’t help but feel invested in. Billie and Jared were so real and I couldn’t help but feel everything as they experienced it. They didn’t have it easy, and honestly my heart broke for them over and over. I really believed that they were meant for one another though, and had faith that Marni would take their story where it was meant to go.

I will say that while this ending was mostly satisfying, it felt like things weren’t entirely finished. I am hoping that Marni will give us more of the story as I would love to read more about these characters. Rest assured though that if this is all we get, it is definitely worth the read and does not leave the reader hanging. This was a great book and I think readers are going to love it!

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**