A review by birdinflight1
The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley


I loved this book on so many levels.

Learning about how England was affected by WWII added to my knowledge of that time period that I've learned from Call the Midwife and Outlander. I love when books build and expand upon my prior knowledge.

I enjoy WWII historical fiction in general, and this one wasn't too heavy on the horror of concentration camps, which is important, but can get a bit traumatizing to read about over and over.

Most importantly, the author does an amazing job dealing with trauma and how it affects kids in surprising and unexpected ways. As a teacher and a learner, I've been learning a lot about trauma lately, and this book is amazing. I was most impressed by Susan, the caretaker, who instinctively knew how to successfully parent a child with a trauma history. Susan's character was extremely emotionally intelligent and handled Ada's outbursts in such a gentle, loving way, which is not easy to do in the midst of a child's PTSD reaction to a trigger. And she did so many other things that helped Ada grow and heal, including horse back riding.