A review by mburnamfink
Дело о свалке токсичных заклинаний by Harry Turtledove


Nobody would ever accuse Harry Turtledove of originality. For a man who specializes in alternate history, his stories usually take a pretty blunt point of departure: time travelling South Africans give the Confederacy AK-47s, aliens with Gulf War military tech attack in the middle of WW2, thing like that.

The Case of the Toxic Spell Dump is set in a world where all religions are true, where magic works, and where magic is used to duplicate technology in the early 90s-mostly through endless puns of varying quality. That said, the book itself is an enjoyable noir/technothriller hybrid about strange doings in Angel City, and for all the bad jokes feels appropriately gritty and multicultural, with a lot of freeways and bad hamburgers. As somebody who grew up in a very mundane LA, it's feels just like home.