A review by nightc0urt
The Spirit in the Crypt by Alexander Lound


The Spirit in the Crypt is Alexander Lound’s debut novel and his first book in the Johnny Robert’s series! I don’t read a ton of spooky books at this point so I wasn’t sure what to expect but overall I enjoyed the quick read!

This book follows a teenager named Johnny, who on one fateful summer night, is pushed into a crypt by his “friends” and is chased out by a threatening voice. From then on, he experiences strange dreams of fellow students who then become unresponsive to the outside world. Johnny of course, takes it upon himself to solve the mystery.

This book never once spooked me out, so if you’re a person sensitive to being scared but still like to read those kinds of books, this is definitely for you! I will say it reminded me of a present day R.L. Stine book which was great since I was a huge fan growing up! This was a face paced read and just overall easy to pick up!

My only problem was I didn’t 100% connect with the characters which is a huge thing I look for in books I really love, but it still didn’t take away from my enjoyment and ability to read this book! With that being said, Johnny was still a solid main character who definitely had a head on his shoulder (unlike most ya characters) and seemed like a typical teenage boy (minus his special gifts lol) who many I’m sure could relate to.

For readers who enjoy: quick, fun, spooky reads!