A review by simplymary
The Afrominimalist's Guide to Living with Less by Christine Platt


On my personal Instagram feed, I started following @afrominimalist over a year ago. I’ve been anticipating her book coming out and signed up to receive a copy the moment it was published. As a professional organizer who is passionate about simplifying, I love to keep current on what is going on in the minimalism movement.

This is a great read! Christine focuses on the heart of the issue of owning too much stuff, and gently guides you through the process of eliminating.
1) acknowledge you have too much
2) forgive yourself
3) let go!
4) pay it forward

I love her authentic voice and efforts to engage the Black and other marginalized communities in a conversation that up until now has been dominated by one aesthetic.

My favorite quote from the book:
“In addition to helping rid my life of excess, minimalism also empowered me to embrace a radical reimagining of home as a sanctuary…Each room reflects and represents my life, and I remain intentional to ensure that my home only contains things that are necessary to sustain and bring me joy. Scents that are uplifting. Colors that calm or motivate. Clothing that flatters my body type and embodies my personality. Objects and trinkets that remind me of who I am, what my ancestors overcame, and what I want loved ones to inherit.”

I identify deeply with this perspective and try to do the same in my home. Great read!