A review by _michelle_
The Endless Lake by Erin Hunter


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There is a new Erin Hunter who writes the Survivors series, one who was not involved in writing Warriors; you can tell. The lines are double-spaced, and yet, the Survivors books only average around 300. I also find the plot and pacing in Survivors to be lacking. Not much has really happened in this series when you consider the BIG picture; I mean, stuff happens but nothing epic. liked this series to begin with but now, not so much.

One thing that I dislike is that there isn't a true hero in these books. Main characters, yes; villains, yes. But no heroes. Storm is the only stand-out, following her heart, no matter the consequences. But Erin Hunter is too intent on making her seem dangerous and impulsive; not to mention (seemingly) trying to reinforce the stereotypes that real-life fierce dogs are born to be savage, when she could have inserted an admirable lesson that they aren't truly evil like everyone thinks (she does say something to that effect at the end, but doesn't press it). I admire Storm more than Lucky. She seems impulsive, but she is following her heart. She always tells Lucky what she is planning first, but he always dismisses her ideas and wonders why she runs off on her own.

Lucky is always thinking of himself and what he wants, that he refuses to lead the other dogs even when the whole group is pleading for his help. Having a leader to give orders doesn't mean you're mindless and needy like Lucky asserts, or that all leaders are evil; leadership is, firstly, a matter of organization; but, secondly, when you SHARE THE BELIEFS of your CHOSEN leader (as Lucky would have been the chosen leader, if he wasn't such a coward that he didn't want others relying on him), following orders are not a mindless act. Instead, you have consciously dedicated yourself to something you believe in, even if it's as simple as the protection of your friends, along with that leader who has promised to help you by being a commander; something Lucky won't commit to. Alpha is a bad leader, and thought only of himself; but leadership is not supposed to work that way, nor is it the way of most who put themselves in such a trusted role. Leadership isn't evil, and these poor dogs need a leader, a nice one.

Lucky could have done a lot of good as a leader, if he wasn't a coward, as I said. Lucky is a coward because he would never stand up to Alpha, no matter how much he publicly humiliated Lucky or Storm, no matter how much he beat on him or the others, even though he felt Alpha needed to be put in his place. If he wouldn't do it for himself, he should have done it for Storm, who was too little to defend herself. Yes, Alpha was bigger than Lucky, being half wolf, but Lucky stood up to Fierce Dogs and other enemies. He just didn't want to make a stand where it counted, for no particular reason at all.

I'm also getting tired of Bella and how smart she thinks she is. Her past role as leader involved secrets, unreasonable demands, and nearly killing her brother (because of some of those secrets and demands); in the end, it did lead to deaths, as well as branding Lucky an outsider (just for following Bella's plan), by a stupendous display of Bella's low IQ, Did anyone in Lucky's litter escape inheriting a devastating character flaw?! Because Lucky and Bella sure didn't.

I'm getting disappointed in this series because, 5 books in, Lucky still wants to be a Lone Dog, no matter how much he claims to love the others in the Pack. He's even in love, for Heaven's sake!! No more Lone Dog once that happens. He should have stepped up for the Pack by now, but only Storm has done that so far. It's well past the time that Lucky should be allowed to be torn two. He has spent the past five books in a pack. He's a Pack dog now.

An aside: This big, impending battle is called the Storm of Dogs. I don't think it's merely about a snow storm and dogs tussling. One of the Pack members is Storm ---> STORM of Dogs!!!! Whatever this big event is, Storm will be key, since I think this prophesied battle is named for her.