A review by divapitbull
Fish & Chips by Abigail Roux


The Cut & Run series is my guilty pleasure. I’ll just say it plainly – this really isn’t something one reads for scintillating plot – and Fish & Chips fully embodied that notion. The plot was thin. It was fairly implausible, okay - really implausible. Frankly it actually made little sense. Criminals working together in a high dollar operation – dealing in art antiquities and rare gems – and they don’t even know what each other looks like? They’ve never met? Mmmm…I’d certainly trust complete strangers with incriminating evidence that could get me sent up the river – not.

But it’s not about the plot. The plot is just a back drop for the Punch & Judy show (or the Zane & Ty show as the case may be) and I am surprisingly A OK with that. Honestly I could read a 1000 page novel based on Ty and Zane running errands. Because yes, they’re that damn cute together. F&C, just like the first 2 books in the series is all about the relationship and character development. In this installment, going undercover as an openly gay couple gives Ty the opportunity to really explore where his orientation lies. And despite being bi, he concludes that he does “flamingly gay” pretty well too. He tells Zane he loves him – which is awesome – and despite his issues both known and hinted at – he actually seems to be the more emotionally stable of the 2.

Zane has an opportunity to work on his myriad of issues – starting with his addictions – and also moving on from his past. It was nice to see him keep his wedding ring off. There is grieving and there is pathological grieving – and Zane’s inability up to that point to reach acceptance and turn towards his future – was just unhealthy.

There is also a decent amount of hot Zane & Ty sex to make up for the flagrant lack of plot – and seriously – who needs plot anyway – it just interferes with the boys having 1 on 1 time. (Of course there are still a decent amount of near death experiences). Their constant misunderstandings of each other’s emotions and intentions is frustrating – but then I supposed if we went right to “I love you, I love you too, all our issues are resolved” – then we’d be at the end of the series and I don’t want to be there yet because this is too much fun.