A review by justmekendra
Resist by Missy Johnson


I feel like this book was missing so much. For me, it was just ok. It's super hard to explain it; I've been sitting on writing the review for three days.

In the beginning, I could relate to Charlotte as being unemployed and taking drastic measures. As the book got further on, she kept doubting everything. The job was supposed to be sex, that's it. I get as women, we do form emotional attachments. However, I think she should have just went for it. But it seemed like every other thought she had, was doubting the fact that she should even be there. At one point, she got jealous that she wasn't the only girl there. Jaxon was upfront about their situation, so she should have excepted it or something like it.

As for Jaxon, he is a stone-cold ass. From start to finish, I could not enjoy him. He was rude, inconsiderate, and out for revenge the entire time. I disliked him even more when he humiliated that poor girl by using Charlotte, for the sole purpose of pissing off her father, who happened to be his business partner. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

However, the mystery in the book was actually pretty good. Although,

{SPOILER} I did know that Jaxon didn't kill his ex. I saw that coming so long before we actually got into the story.

I liked the suspense (and the plot twist), but overall this book was not for me.

*I received this book via NetGalley, in exchange for my honest review.