A review by ravenslanding
The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch


Wow. Well done.

This story is a trip. I am normally not a fan of split timeline stories of any sort, or of stories that start with the protagonist as a child. But Lies is fast moving, easy to follow despite the rich new world, and very twisty. Hit right in the feels. Loved the found family and bonds of brotherhood.

I found it very gripping as an audiobook, and made pretty quick work of it that way (but if you have littles, they are thieves who swear lots). I think I look for comfort fiction in my paperbacks these days, so I had a hard time reading Lies in paperback for long periods. I also liked Locke a lot better my second time starting in because I wasn't confusing him with another underworld orphan from a different book that I didn't like at all.

I think this one will be a fun one to read again.