A review by saidtheraina
Rules for Dating My Daughter: Cartoon Dispatches from the Front-Lines of Modern Fatherhood by Mike Dawson


This cover almost scared me away.
I try to filter my reading list by limiting how many books I read by each author (unless I'm a srs fangirl), and I already read [b: Freddie & Me: A Coming-of-Age (Bohemian) Rhapsody|2761274|Freddie and Me A Coming-of-Age (Bohemian) Rhapsody|Mike Dawson|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1436040900s/2761274.jpg|2786983] AND [b: Troop 142|12181295|Troop 142|Mike Dawson|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1327820897s/12181295.jpg|17153080] by this guy, too. But something (possibly either [a: MariNaomi|4078358|MariNaomi|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1468804810p2/4078358.jpg]'s review, or the fact that I'm a recent stepparent to a five-year-old) inspired me to put this on my hold list at the library.

The very first piece bLEW ME AWAY. That piece alone would get a five star review.
That impact might have had something to do with the fact that I read it less than a week after the 2016 amerikan national election.

This is a collection of short pieces (something I didn't realize before cracking it), and not all of them are specifically about parenting. The title is the name of the second piece in, a reflection which lasts less than 10 pages. There's his take on gendered toys, masculinity, American politics, Christmas, and more.

It's real good stuff. About living a progressive life. About being a cartoonist. Many of them were originally published on his blog. He includes what I infer to be drawings by his daughter in between pieces.
Only one of the pieces has any color, but Dawson is notable for his shading. His layouts alternate between the spareness of the piece linked above and dense, dark panels full of intensive detail. Flipping through the book to remember things about it for this review, I find myself not wanting to stop - I enjoy skimming the variety of layouts and lingering on individual panels.

Yeah, I might keep reading his books.