A review by jmsv45
Daylighters by Rachel Caine


Writer Person

I have never been so sad to watch a series end. For the longest time, I was just waiting for my local library to get this series. By the time it did, it was six books in and I tore through them. I was in seventh grade at the time, so I was exactly a seasoned reader and I was certainly not a review by any standards. But I loved them and I knew I wanted more. I knew this was going to be a long series. I just never actually considered it ending.

Soon after I read the first six, the next two came out. And I tore through those as well. And then I was caught up and I had to wait along with everyone else for each next book. And it was torture. But back then I didn't look up the next release date. So each time a new book came out it was the greatest surprise ever. I really liked that, but I so doubt I could ever do that again. I'm impatient and I like planning things and I'm just weird.

Needless to say, after I read Fall of Night, I had no idea the last book was coming out November 2013. Until I rejoined the book community in September 2013. So then I waited anxiously until its release and then even more anxiously until I was able to buy it in December and then I waited until February to slip off the dust jacket. And then I deliberated over reading it. I was scared. I really was. I wasn't sure if I'd like it, to be honest. Maybe I was different now.

Yeah, I'm not really all that different. I loved this book. Seeing everyone again was just amazing. They were old friends, quite literally. I watched them all grow up while I grew up and it's just an incredible feeling. I'm dying to reread Glass Houses just so I can compare the ending to the beginning.

One thing I always loved about this series is the amount of action in it. Drama, sure. But they live in a town with honest-to-goodness vampires. So there's real action. And it's so suiting that the ending is just more of that trend - lives at stake (haha, pun not intended but it's cool that it happened), things happening. I was scared for them, excited for them, couldn't be believe it was ending for them.

There were a couple moves that Rachel Caine made that I didn't necessarily like - namely the werewolf move and the resurrection move. The werewolf move was explained nicely, so that one could slide. After the draug, and ghosts, and Myrnin, the weird dog things were just more of the same in Morganville. But the resurrection thing, while relieving, also kind of pissed me off. It pains me to say that I'd rather the person had stayed dead. Really, it does. But I almost wish she had let that one go. Wow, I feel heartless saying that.

So why the five stars? Because this is one of my favorite series and I loved how Rachel Caine ended it, despite what I mentioned above. She nicely tied up loose ends and left our characters off in a place where I could be satisfied. It's happy, by Morganville Standards. So make of that what you will. But I, for one, was glad. Not a Mockingjay-type epilogue but that's okay. I still loved it. I still love the series. That's quite an accomplishment.

Well done, Rachel Caine. Well done. Thank you for these books. It was one heck of a ride.
^ The part where I get overly sentimental

Recommendation: for those who love the series. For those who haven't even started the series, you have no excuse. They are all out now. Go read them! Just saying.