A review by surrahsee
A Marriage Made in Scandal by Elisa Braden


I always worry when I read a series likes this that involves families, friends, and intimate moments that it will all sound the same and I won't be able to separate the current book from the previous in the series. This is not the case with "Rescued from Ruin!" I love how Elisa Braden writes characters- they are flawed, they love, they hurt, and they are human.

I loved Eugenia and Phineas. I loved their blunt conversations and whenever there was an issue Phineas asked what was wrong instead of assuming Eugenia would get over it; I also appreciate that when he asked, Eugenia told him. I can't stand when I read romance and half the book is each person making false assumptions, judging/acting based on those assumptions, being upset, and avoiding conversation throughout the entire book. It gets so tiring, so Eugenia and Phineas's conversation styles were refreshing.

Further, I like that both Eugenia and Phineas weren't "typical" aristocracy and didn't try to change to fit the mold. We are told that for years Phineas has looked for a wife and he seems to understand his "short comings," and although he tries to fit in, he does not change his love of plants or trying to get into the Horticultural Society. Eugenia did try to change, and it did not go well for her (hence her "ruin"). She embraces who she is and makes it clear to Phineas she will not change herself or him. Finally, I'm glad that Henry and Phineas band together and become friends!

I highly recommend the whole series!