A review by mat_tobin
The Wonderful Fluffy Little Squishy by Claudia Zoe Bedrick, Beatrice Alemagna


It really didn't take this long to read only this long to put a review together. A story which celebrates one child's imagination and determination, this translated text is glorious in every way you want a picturebook to be. The story, its characters and message alongside the wonderfully bright and busy illustrations make this a wonderful read and one which invites a celebration in terms of a creative curriculum. You only need look to what Zoe Toft createswith her own children to see its potential.
Highly celebrated for her art and books in her own country, Alemagna's story took several years to make and was inspired by [b:Pippi Longstocking|19302|Pippi Longstocking|Astrid Lindgren|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1427899207s/19302.jpg|2056462]adventures. Caught by one particular episode in which Pippi went looking for something that she had made up, Alemagna's own protagonist, the equally wonderfully haired Eddie, searches for an original present for her mother which captures the love she has for her as well as a sense of Eddie's own identity.
What works incredibly well though is the sense of wonder we see Eddie experience when she walks into the different shops to look for a gift. We experience everything just above Eddie's height and there is a sense of mystery and awe in these different shops which I can imagine readers experiencing this too.