A review by caylieratzlaff
Briarcliff Prep by Brianna Peppins


Thanks NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC of this novel! 4.5/5 stars.

I wish we had more Historically Black Boarding Schools (HBBS) because yes, I did google to see how many we actually had remaining because I know how great they would be for some of my students...but we really don't have many left in America. ANYWAYS, this book was really well done. I enjoyed how it discussed intersectionality and other academic areas within the book due to the academics in the schools, and I like how it brought up many of the issues within their lives.

While it was challenging to read the domestic violence occurring, I think this is such an important book for anyone, but especially teenagers, to read. It portrayed the realities of viewing relationship violence happening to someone but feeling powerless in being able to do anything about it. It particulary hit home as someone who spent time in an emotionally abusive relationship and knowing that people had similar conversations to me as Avi had to Belle without success in pulling the victim away from the abuser.

Many of the sub plots were well done too, and I appreciated seeing Avi grow throughout the novel. I deducted it .5 though because I think some of it wasn't developed enough, and I think it would have benefitted, too, from adding discussions of privileges.