A review by meeks3
Dream a Little Dream by Giovanna Fletcher


Having only known Giovanna Fletcher from her public persona (and thinking she's a lovely woman - seriously, follow her on Instagram because she's delightful) I did not know what to expect from her as an author. I hate to be so cynical, but I could not help but wonder if she was actually a good writer or if this was a case of a celebrity getting a book deal because they are a celebrity. Luckily for all of us she is a talented author. I found myself quickly drawn into the story, intrigued by the different characters, and the dynamics between them.

I like stories where women either are strong individuals or learn how to be strong individuals. Sarah, the protagonist, falls into the latter category. Sarah is an empathetic woman who while at times is unsure of herself often put others ahead of herself. I mean, her long-term boyfriend dumped her for another woman and instead of causing problems for the friend group she goes through her "period of mourning" and then puts on a happy face to not make her friends feel uncomfortable. Obviously Sarah needed to rage some, but I like that she's kindhearted. What prevented Sarah's character from turning into a pathetic individual is that she eventually talks to Dan, works through her issues, and becomes more assertive in her professional life.

My one critique of the story is that I wish Sarah would have told Brett about her dreams. Yes it would be totally bonkers to tell a guy that prior to him coming back into your life you started having dreams about him, but Brett is the guy that would have accepted/appreciated it. He saw him being hired on at the same company as Sarah as fate bringing the two of them back together so he could finally have a shot with her. I think he would have loved hearing that some part of Sarah was subconsciously drawn to him too. Plus it would have been highly entertaining to watch Sarah embarrassingly stumble her way through that conversation.