A review by beereina
Deliverance by Scarlett Edwards

Did not finish book. Stopped at 50%.
I’m donnneeeee. 

I was big max with books 1-4. And even though I thought the characters were awful. I proceeded just to see what happens. And I couldn’t take it anymore.  Spoilers .ahead. 

So after book 4 I was ready to throw the kindle because Jeremy cheated on Lilly ( yes I realize she is his captive and they aren’t actually in a relationship but in dark romance…. Kidnapping the h is basically a marriage proposal). 

After he cheat on Lilly, he does it again and makes her listen and the proceeds to rape her repeatedly and dispassionately for weeks. Yes he had already raped her but there was a clear difference in the way it was done after the cheating. 

Then Lilly being a complete dumbass and a character that literally makes no sense goes from just enduring Jeremy raping her. She says she goes to another place while it’s happening. There’s no body betrayal trope. She isn’t se retry enjoying his roughness and dominance. Nope she feels apathetic because if she felt anything I imagine it would be crippling. Because again this goes on for I wanna say weeks. Maybe days but I think weeks. 

So now that ive recapped where my head was entering books 5-6….. THEN Lilly is dreamily staring into Jeremy’s eyes, wishing he would kiss her literally 2 days after he finally releases her from the chair that he’s been raping her on. YES A CHAIR….. that she couldn’t leave except to shower once a day so he didn’t fuck somebody that was dirty. I was gonna give up right then and there. 

But I kept going….: Jeremy finally apologizes for cheating except it’s the most shitty apology in the world. He basically says that he had a weak moment…… he’s only a man…… WOW. After which he proceeds to try to explain away the way he kept her after and that he’s actually falling for her and wants then to turn over a new leaf. Lilly of course buys it…. At least sometimes and I’m once again over it….. but I also proceed 🙄

He does more horrible shit that completely negates the apology and I love yous….. and then sweeps her off to a series private islands. Here he tells her that the locals were protesting because he was gonna turn it into resorts but once he saw just how beautiful the land was instead he kept it for himself and hired a local family , that begged him to work for him 🙄🙄🙄🙄, as house keepers. They are now soooo thankful that he didn’t turn their home into resorts and are totally happy that in order to enjoy their homeland, they have to work for this rich white man as his house keepers 

GAG. Just throw the author and the whole series away. WHET!?  I think this author legit believes that if Jeff Bezos bought an island tomorrow that was free and available to anybody that lived there but now is owned by him…. That they would legit be thankful that he didn’t put a casino on it….. she describes the locals as people that lived off the land and went to the main land very rarely for resources. So these Spanish speaking locals that were one with the land are now worshiping at your feet because you still their home? Make it make sense. Also ….. the fucking stereotype! They are Hispanic and now his house keepers that he apparently pays under the table because did I also mention that thrice was gonna work for free…. So he pays the husband because you know….. it would be wrong not to give them something. But they really don’t need the money because they live off the land and he provides everything else. 

Forget that their kids apparently also help… and apparently only have eachother as playmates. Did he literally kick everyone else off the island? 

Whatever it was bad . Some more stuff happens but I had to stop. He had literally NO redeeming qualities. And Lilly is an infuriating doormat. 

Now before someone comes for me… “why did you read this book if you don’t like dark romance” ….. because I LOVE dark romance. It almost all I exclusively read.  But it takes a talented author to write a character that’s HORRIBLE and still make us root for him. And she failed. I’ve rooted for an HEA with H’s that rape, torture, physically and verbally abuse the h. Because the author found a way to still make them likeable. But Jeremy is a cruel, manipulative, lying, cheating, colonizer and he WASNT charming, damaged, obsessed with the h, funny, or any of the other plot devices authors use to keep us invested in a horrible human being. I read The Stronger series…. And Daren is arguably also irredeemable but yet somehow….. I find him funny. And he keeps it in his pants when he’s not with the h. So yea leave me alone. I like dark romance….. i just don’t like this author or her characters. 

Okay tirade over.