A review by hexijosh
Vampire Hunter D by Hideyuki Kikuchi


I have been reading this book off and on for several months now and I'm fed up with it. I got to the second-to-last chapter and threw it out the window.

My problem is that the story is just absolute crap. You could chalk it up to poor translation from Japanese, but that doesn't make up for the terrible characterization or the laughably absurd plot, even for a fantasy/horror.

Characters seem to change drastically from one chapter to the next. Case in point: Doris, the main female, is a vicious fighter and hates the vampire that bit her and his daughter who is constantly out to kill her. Once she has the daughter cornered and could easily shove a stake in her chest she's "overcome by her helpless beauty." Suddenly Doris says "Oh, we can't harm her. She's defenseless. It isn't right!" WITH THE FUCK?!?!?! This is ABSURD. What's worse is that she still feels this way after the vampire girl tries to kill her, yet again.

Not to mention the vampire-run weather machines, their ability to remotely wipe the minds of anyone who realizes garlic is their weakness thanks to some distant and long-lost computer, etc, etc.

This is just sloppy writing at its finest. It's as though this world can't decide if it's based on ancient magic or post-apocalyptic vampire technology.

The ONLY people who will like this are those who are blinded by the anime films and WANT to believe that it is good, or those who have no concept of plot and characterization.

Just watch the movies. They took a concept and made it incredibly entertaining and enjoyable. This is just garbage.