A review by litwithleigh
Hangman by Daniel Cole


3.5 generously rounded up to a 4

Writing: bangerlicious | Plot: depends on your yeetage of disbelief abilities | Ending: gucci


A series of murders in New York and London that are seemingly connected to the Ragdoll case have Baxter shooketh.


Okay before we get into it you need to know two things:

1. You absolutely 100% need to read book #1 ([b:Ragdoll|30259893|Ragdoll (Fawkes and Baxter, #1)|Daniel Cole|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1473338167l/30259893._SY75_.jpg|50732235]) before this one. This is saying something since IYKYK, I'm an absolute vet when it comes to jumping into a series wherever I please and still enjoying myself. I read Ragdoll in November and I was still lost af in some area. I just finished #3 (read it right after this one) and you can't be reading that one as a standalone either. There's some 'clues' for #3 in this book.

2. EXTREME yeetage of disbelief required. There's a lil interview with the author in the back of the book and he says that he writes 'cinematically' and is not confined by the restrictions of reality. There's one scene in particular where you'd be luckier to pick the winning lotto numbers than try to logic out how it's possible. This scene in particular had me giving the book a HUGE side-eye, and I probably would've rounded down if it wasn't for the author saying straight up he wasn't tryna write anything remotely realistic. Mission accomplished, Cole.

Alright, now let's get to this book. Like #1, the humour is the saving grace and the reason why I rounded it up to a 4. Cole has a way of writing genuinely funny scenes that separate this book from the pack. Sometimes I share excerpts in my reviews of good and stanklicious writing, but nothing can top this literary masterpiece:

She shrugged: 'Freaks be freakin'' LMFAOOO SHAKESPEARE WHO??? I've never read anything funnier in my life.

The major buzzkill in this book is Baxter. Despite reading #1, I legitimately have no memory of her whatsoever. I know she was there, but I don't recall her being this RUDE. Good thing Cole made it clear he wasn't tryna be realistic, because her ass would've been canned in about 5 minutes given how she speaks to everyone. She's like my arch nemesis DD Warren, but if DD woke up on the wrong side of the bed covered in cow shit. And it's not even a case where she's like Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds with a big ole super brain. All her 'breakthroughs' are served up by Edmunds (looks like he was the hero of #1 as well, according to my review). Baxter just moves through life like a stereoided out Bull in a China shop. Absolutely brutal.

I found the case interesting (again, extreme yeetage of disbelief required), and I can definitely see it working well on-screen with Gerald Butler running this way and that. While Baxter was a sore spot, Rouche made up for it with his quirky antics. Idk why but Elliot Curtis reminded me of Chelsea Arrington from The Night Agent. Anyways, all in all a fun book to get lost in but I wish Baxter had been voted off the island.


Pros: great wit and dark humor, interesting case when you yeet your disbelief, loved Rouche's character, fast paced



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