A review by homosexual
Give Me Liberty!: An American History by Eric Foner


My Booktube

overall does a good job at going through the history, well as best as you can given the page count and needing to cover over 100 years. And a variety of groups are covered in this, so like women, BIPOC, and the Gay Rights Movement are at least mentioned at various times throughout so that was a nice change.

However I had two issues.

1) Hawaii is just... never addressed. Like it is already barely mentioned but the theft of Hawaii is never talked about at all. The way it is discussed, you would think it was just a set of barren islands with no form of life before the US got there (literally don't think the Kingdom of Hawaii is even acknowledged).

2) Usual issue with history texts, these chapters, are too long. Once you get past the 20 page mark, people stop caring about the chapter and skim, which just gets to barely reading at all by the end of 40+ page chapters. It would've made more sense to break the chapters down further, since usually every chapter covers two big general topics of a decade (or two), so it could've easily been done.