A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
The Encanto's Daughter by Melissa de la Cruz


I know that the books by Melissa de la Cruz are not the most brilliant books in the world. I consider them nice palate cleansers. Books you read in between the more serious and heavy stuff to give yourself a little bit of breathing room. And I need those. So, when I saw this book on Amazon I made sure to pre-order right away. Also because the book has an insanely beautiful cover and because the title sounded really intriguing.

Last week my copy of the book arrived and I started reading right away. In a way this is exactly what you're expecting a novel by this author to be. The plot seems to be a little all over the place, the world building is not too complicated or deep and the characters read quite young. And yet, I did notice while reading this book that it was special. You could feel the nostalgia behind the words. You could feel that this story was more than just a story.

What I absolutely loved about this book is that the heroine really doesn't know much about the world she's destined to rule. Although her father was its king, she has never spent much time in the world herself and it shows. She's asking questions others consider stupid. She's saying the wrong things to the wrong people. She's messing up customs and rituals. And, she's bringing a new perspective to a world that has been the same for who knows how long.

I also love the connection between this world and ours. Although most of the book takes place in a fantasy world, with a mythology that makes me curious about its origins, there is a connection with our world. And the author makes sure to remind us of that connection with small little remarks. She explains, for example, why so many ships an people go missing in the Bermuda triangle and we learn why this world is hidden from us to begin with.

I'm kinda curious about what comes next. So I will certainly order my copy of the sequel as soon as I can!