A review by saram618
Serena by Ron Rash


So, based on all the reviews and ratings, my opinion is obviously not the same as that of the masses. This book bored me to tears! The story was not at all engaging and the characters were flat. I did not find anything interesting in the story or the characters. Was Serena ruthless? Maybe, but she was also given no background that would make her actions at all intriguing. She was out to get what she wanted just because she wanted it - nothing more. I was never shocked by her actions because I just didn't care at all.

The story itself was also brutally slow. After the 8th chapter of discussion about the park I'll admit I just started skimming. Also, I get that lumberjacking (is that a word) is difficult, but really... how many nameless characters did we need to have killed off? I was able to understand the danger without throwing in a death every other chapter for no real purpose.

I wanted to care about Rachel and her story, but again, it felt like it existed just to exist. There was a small portion towards the end where everything picked up, but my investment in the characters was so minimal that it felt like too little too late.

Maybe it's the genre, maybe it's me, but this was NOT the book for me. I'd give it one star, but it gets an extra 1/2 for being well written (if not interesting) and having a small glimmer of story near the end. I'll round up, but I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.