A review by chelsea2020
Pray for Dawn by Jocelynn Drake


I usually don't care all that much for the POV of the love interest. It usually just makes me dislike the character, sometimes more than I already do, but I couldn't have been more pleased with the incredibly well-written display of male perspective.

Danaus is a mystery in and of himself. Half-human half-bori creature with a long-standing hate for the nightwakers falls into a companionship with the most powerful and ruthless one of them all. Danaus has always struggled with the grudging "relationship" he has maintained with Mira in the past few months, but until now, I don't think I could've guessed just how deep those struggles ran, or exactly what the cause of those struggles were in the first place. I certainly was in for a shock to see just how deeply his and Mira's connection ran for him.

I was delighted over this change in view, though I would've appreciated the warning at the beginning of the book, rather than 10ish-20 pages in. Danaus is a very complex character and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing his growth over the duration of this book. He's seeing the world in a whole new light, some parts good and some not so much, but overall I think the change will be good for him.

And Mira.... Good Lord that girl is one big pile of "Messed the Hell up!" Hallucinations, loss of powers (or at least stunted), wanted by all the wrong people; will that girl never get a break?! My heart aches for her in this book. It truly does; especially with the added weight of Danaus's concern and fear for the nightwakers he's come to care for. So freaking sweet!!

I can't wait to get my hands on the second to last book in this outstanding series!! This has been one heck of a ride, and with the heart-pounding ending to this fourth book, I'm dying to see just how much worse this can get before Mira and Danaus finally break.