A review by bettyreadsbooks
Little Black Bird by Anna Kirchner


"You know, there’s this bullshit idea that you just magically know when you like someone romantically or sexually. But that’s all it is—bullshit. Emotions are messy. People are messy." - Little Black Bird, Anna Kirchner

Where do I even start with this book? I've known about this almost silence I started following Anna on Instagram and I've been so incredibly excited about it ever since! I was so happy to get a chance to read it early, and this book really did not disappoint! It has friendship, magic and demons, and is a bit like Shadowhunters with a The Bone Seasons feel to it.

I loved this book. I'm generally a pretty slow reader and I've been in a huge reading slump lately but I flew through this, binge read it over two days, feel asleep on my phone in the middle of the night because I couldn't stop reading. I don't do that, like, ever.

What I loved the most about this book was the characters. I love Wiktoria for being brave and strong and smart, and chaotic and confused. For picking up her phone to Google what to do when a demon approaches. I love Artur for being a precious cinnamon roll and definitely the ideal person to share a magical bond with. I love Laura, Rafi and Karina for being awesome. And Zuzanna for being unlikeable but interesting. I love that there is not villain, only people with their own interests at heart. I also loved that this book is steeped in slavic mythology and culture – if you enjoy Anna's #SlavicSunday posts, you'll love all the mythological aspect of this book! (continues in the comments) Over all, it's just incredibly refreshing to read a book that's set in a country and culture that isn't the US or even UK, and I really enjoyed that! Apart from that, this book has a lot of discussion of sexuality and questioning main characters. It has adventures, magic, friendship. Very short chapters which I always really love for some reason. Lots of pop cultural references! It's funny, and you can feel just how much love went into this book! It was so great, and I suggest you all pick it up when it's out on June 20th!